Booking the hall
Please complete the form below to request a booking for the HLCCC Hall. Before submitting the form, please:
- Check availability on the calendar
- Read the terms and conditions for hire
- If you wish to contact us before booking, email
Terms Conditions and Regulations for hire
The hall will be opened by a member of the Friends of Highgate Library (FOHL).
The hall is let on the understanding that any member of library staff or FOHL representative has the right of entry at any time to the area hired.
The times booked should be adhered to or further charges will be applied. Please note that the hall must be vacated by 10.30pm.
The hired hall, kitchen and toilets are the only areas to be used by the hirer and the hirer accepts all other rooms will be either locked or classed as out of bounds.
The kitchen is shared with library staff when the library is open. During these times it may be used for the preparation of food and drink but not for sitting or for storage of coats, etc.
No food or consumables of any kind should be left on the premises.
You are expected to leave the place the way you found it, with chairs and tables stacked up in an orderly fashion and the floor swept.
Recyclable rubbish to go to the recycling bin in the hall or outside. General rubbish to be put in the general bins, any large black bags should be left inside the hall.
Regular hirers must pay monthly in advance.
All other bookings must be paid for at least two weeks prior to the day of the function on receipt of the invoice. A deposit may secure a booking made more than 3 months in advance.
Payments made in advance of 2 weeks may be returned if 2 weeks’ notice of cancellation are given or an alternative hirer is found.
The hirer will be responsible for the proper conduct of persons using the hall.
Hirers should ensure people leave quietly for the sake of local residents.
The hirer will be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage caused, replacing furniture or fittings lost or damaged, or for deep clean of the building if unnecessary mess is caused.
Hirers must take particular care of the parquet floor. The floor must be protected from messy activities with paint and glue.
Bouncy castles, paddling pools, candles and other live flames are not permitted.
No materials to be fixed to the walls without prior agreement with FoHL. Use of white tack may be permitted by agreement. No pins or sticky tape may be used.
Regular users may have access to storage space with the agreement of FOHL.
Regular users may leave posters for display in the outside board but may not stick up advertising without permission.
Please remove advertising outside the hall on trees etc. after your event.
Loss of property
The FOHL does not accept responsibility or liability for any damage or loss of property of things that are placed and left on the premises whilst the hall is being hired.
Fire Risks
The hirer should make themselves familiar with the fire procedures for the hall.
No Smoking in the hall.
No additional heaters or electrical equipment may be used without permission.
The hirer shall indemnify the FoHL against all claims, demands, actions or proceedings in respect of the default or injury caused by or to any person which shall occur whilst the person is in or upon Highgate Library property or arise from an accident whilst at the premises, or in respect of any loss or damage suffered or sustained by any person.
All groups working with young people should have their own insurance and staff checks e.g. DBS checks. FOHL takes no responsibility for this and recommends if unsure you seek appropriate advice.
The hirer accepts these terms and conditions on the basis that they as named will be held fully responsible during the hire period.